Tummy Time Basics

Tummy Time Basics- Your Questions Answered

Aug 28, 2023

As a new parent, you want nothing but the best for your little one, and that includes their physical development. That's where tummy time comes in. Tummy time is crucial for strengthening your baby's neck, back, and trunk muscles, and it prepares them for future movements such as crawling and sitting up.

But, as with anything new, you likely have questions about how to incorporate tummy time into your daily routine and what to expect from your baby during this time. Are you worried about when to start tummy time or how often to do it? Are you wondering how to encourage your baby to enjoy it?

With the answers to these and other pressing questions, you can confidently help your baby grow stronger and healthier through tummy time.

Tummy Time Basics

When should my baby begin tummy time?

Tummy time is crucial for your baby's development and should begin as soon as possible. While it may seem daunting to start with a newborn, you can ease into it by placing your little one on their tummy for short periods of time each day.

As your baby grows, tummy time becomes even more important for building core strength, which sets the foundation for rolling and crawling. But don't worry if your baby is already a few months old and hasn't taken to tummy time just yet – it's never too late to start.

With a solid plan in place, you can make tummy time fun and engaging for both you and your little one. So why not start now and watch your baby grow stronger and more confident with each passing day?

Where should I put my baby in tummy time?

While there may not be a one-size-fits-all answer, I recommend starting with chest-to-chest tummy time in the early months to develop a better bond with your baby. But as they grow towards 3 months, it's important to start transitioning them to the floor for play to help them develop their core strength and explore the world around them.

As you set up the floor space, make sure to create a safe and comfortable environment for your little one. With some patience and encouragement, your baby will be a tummy time champion in no time!

How often should I do tummy time with my baby?

While it may vary from child to child, a good rule of thumb is to aim for three times per day. However, during those early weeks when your baby may spend most of their time sleeping, it may be more challenging to fit in tummy time. That's okay though; just make sure to take advantage of any wake windows and work in a session or two.

As your baby gets older and more alert, actively encourage them to lift their head and try different movements to further hone their skills. It's all about consistency and nurturing a positive feeling toward exercising their muscles.

How long should I do tummy time?

Quality over quantity is key, especially in the early months. Starting with just a minute or two when your baby is alert and ready to learn is a great place to start.

As your baby grows past 2 months, you can gradually increase the time spent on their stomachs to several minutes, three times per day.

Remember, every practice session will be different, and if your baby becomes upset during tummy time, adjust and try again later. Crying through tummy time will not encourage learning or good practice. Keep up the good work, and remember to keep it fun!

My baby hates tummy time. What can I do?

It can be frustrating when your baby hates tummy time. However, don’t worry, this is completely normal and most babies go through this phase. The good news is that there are ways to help them enjoy it more!

The first thing you want to do is experiment with different positions, support, and toys. This will help you find what works best for your baby. Remember, sometimes the problem is not the baby, but rather the support you are using (did you know using a Boppy pillow could actually hinder your baby’s progress?).

Once you find what works, it’s important to stick to a routine and be consistent. And before you know it, your baby will be having fun and hitting those developmental milestones!

If you are interested in learning even more about the best tummy time techniques and practices, check out my Tummy Times Solution Course. Your baby will learn to love tummy time without the tears with my proven step-by-step process.

Needing help supporting your baby with tummy time, rolling, crawling, or walking {plus everything else in between?!} Check out all my free resources + masterclasses to support the journey!