Things your Newborn and One Month Old Can Do

baby activities baby milestones Sep 19, 2023

As new parents, it can be hard to know what to expect from your baby.  However, even at such a young age, there are a surprising number of things your newborn and one month old can do. 

Today I’m sharing all the things your newborn can do as well as things to look out for in order to prepare them for movement in the months to come. 

Currently, your baby is in the preparation phase of life and your focus as a parent is on eating, sleeping, and helping their brain grow. I want to share a few strategies you can implement to set your baby up for success even in these early weeks. 

Preparation for Movement

In this stage of your baby's life, your main focus should be on preparing them for movement. Many of these techniques and motor skills I am about to share are not going to produce big moves immediately. They will however lay the foundation to prepare them for what’s to come like being comfortable on the floor, discovering their bodies, and learning as their brain and eyes develop. 

The key to success is to find small moments throughout the day where you can engage your baby. Many newborns are incredibly sleepy and have very small wake windows while others are wide awake ready to take on the world.

You want to maximize their learning when they are in a “quiet clear” phase- meaning they are awake, calm, and looking around the room. You will not get a ton of these moments every day, so be on the lookout. This is when your baby is primed and ready to learn.

Since wake windows are so short, I like to focus on ONE activity at a time to help your baby learn and engage with the world. Give yourself grace and know your baby will become more alert with this process. 

These activities are not fancy but they work!


Visual Development

It is important to keep in mind that newborn babies can only see about 6 to 8 inches away. When you engage with them, usually during a feeding or a wake window, you want to keep them close.

Other than feeding your baby, you can work on this skill by reclining back, propping your baby on your knees, and showing them your face.

You can also practice visual tracking by moving your body from side to side. Babies should be able to track you with their eyes right from the start. 

With their poor vision babies will be drawn to faces and sharp contrasts like black and white. 

Floor Play

As babies get closer to 3-4 months the floor will be where the magic happens. This starts during the newborn phase.

It is important to get your baby accustomed to laying flat on the floor in the first few weeks of life. They spend so much time swaddled and cuddled which is great. However, we also want to expose them to the floor so they aren’t shocked in the future when it comes time to work on floor skills.

Here are a few key positions to focus on in the early weeks:

  • Sideline- Position your baby on their side as you get down on the floor behind them. Use visual cards or play soft music to engage them.
  • Tummy Time- This is more organic in the newborn phase as chest to chest, but you can also do it on the floor.
  • Playmats- allow your baby to lay on their back and look at the movement and toys around them.

Other Milestones to Look For

As a newborn, babies should be kicking their legs back and forth. Their movements will feel awkward and sporadic because they do not have good control of their bodies. This will improve with time.

You might also notice your baby taking a fencing posture where they turn and look at each hand. This is completely normal as their brain is teaching them to reach and pay attention to their body. 

Want to be sure your baby is on the right track? Download my FREE milestone checklist HEREAll my favorite milestones, month by month in an easy-to-follow format. Plus, some of my favorite activities for each phase of development. This simple-to-follow guide will help keep your little one on track. 

Taking the mystery out of milestones is as easy as 1, 2, 3!  Join me for this fast and furious mini workshop explaining the basics of newborn tummy time.

Needing help supporting your baby with tummy time, rolling, crawling, or walking {plus everything else in between?!} Check out all my free resources + masterclasses to support the journey!