Crawling Checklist

Help Your Baby Master Crawling with This Crawling Checklist

baby milestones crawling how to crawl May 31, 2023

For your baby, learning to crawl is one of the most important developmental milestones they will reach in their early years. Although it can be a tricky process, there are plenty of helpful tips you can use as a parent to help make this special moment smoother and easier for both your baby and yourself!

Whether you’re just gearing up for the journey or already on the path, my expert-backed crawling checklist provides simple yet effective strategies that will help ensure success while making sure each step is enjoyable and stress-free.

When Do Babies Crawl?

Between 7-10 months, your little one will begin to realize that there's a whole world out there that they can explore beyond the confines of the crib. Some babies might even start to master the art of belly crawling a little earlier.

But why do we want them to crawl, you ask? Well, if they can crawl by 10 months, they'll soon be pulling themselves up, and before you know it, they'll be on two feet rocking those baby shoes like they were made for a runway. Get ready to be a proud parent!

4 Most Common Crawling Struggles

Can't Transition From Tummy Time

Tummy time can be quite an adventure for little ones. They're hanging out on the floor, laying on their belly, and suddenly they realize that they want to go places! It's the perfect start to their crawling journey.

But let's be real, coordination can be a tough skill to master. They're ready to move, but just can't quite figure out how to coordinate their arms and legs to get crawling.

Can't Transition to Hands and Knees

Is your little one a belly-crawling champ but unable to transition onto their hands and knees? Don't worry, they aren't alone! It's a common struggle for many babies.

Belly Flopping When Trying to Move

Another common issue is when they get up onto their hands and knees but end up belly-flopping whenever they try to move forward. It's like they're stuck in a crawling limbo. But fear not, with a little practice and patience, your baby will soon be zooming across the floor like a pro. 

Sitting Superstar Who Doesn't Want to Crawl

If your little one is a sitting superstar who also hated tummy time, the struggle is real to help them crawl. But fear not, this is a common issue that many parents face.  With a bit of patience, encouragement, and maybe a few silly faces, your little crawler will soon be on the move!

Pre-Crawling Mini Milestones

Pushing Up on Straight Arms in Tummy Time

As babies grow and develop, reaching important milestones becomes a top priority. One of these mini milestones is pushing up on straight arms during tummy time.

This may seem like a small feat, but for a baby, it's a giant step toward building strong muscles and developing the skills necessary for crawling.

So, whether they're reaching for a toy or just checking out their surroundings, seeing your little one push up and take in the world from a new perspective is a moment to treasure. 

Reaching for Toys on Straight Arms During Tummy Time

Another pre-crawling milestone is when your little one starts reaching for toys on straight arms during tummy time. Give them a round of applause, because this is no easy feat for tiny developing muscles! As your baby flexes and strengthens their little arms, they also start to gain more confidence in their own abilities. 

Pivoting and Reaching for Toys

One of the most fun mini milestones to watch is when your baby starts their little sideways pivoting move! You know the one - they're lying on their tummy, they spot a toy that's just out of reach, and suddenly they're pushing off with one arm and swiveling their whole body around to grab it.

It's amazing to see those little brains and muscles working together in harmony, and it's definitely something to celebrate when your little one manages to nail it for the first time. 

Pivoting in a Circle

The next tiny victory when it comes to learning to crawl is pivoting in a circle. Not only is it adorable to watch, but it also shows that their little brains and bodies are developing and getting ready for the big crawl.

Pushing Backwards

The last mini-milestone that babies reach before crawling is the ability to push themselves backward. It may not sound like much at first, but trust me, it's impressive to watch.

Babies are like tiny contortionists, using their strength and flexibility to maneuver and scoot backward. Keep an eye out for this mini milestone and give your baby a round of applause when they achieve it!

It is important to note that belly crawling is the ‘in-between’ step from pre-crawling to hands & knees crawling. Not all babies will belly crawl! Some will go from pre-crawling straight to hands & knees crawling.

Hands & Knees Crawling Mini-Milestones

  • Transitions from tummy to hands & knees
  • Baby Plank & downward dog
  • Hands & knees rocking with no forward movement 
  • Hands & knees with reaching to a toy 
  • Hands & knees with belly flops forward with attempts to crawl 
  • Transitions into & out of sitting 

Congratulations! You now have the necessary tools to help your baby master crawling. With patience, perseverance, and a little creativity you can foster an environment that is conducive to developing motor skills while providing hours of fun for your newborn. 

Needing help supporting your baby with tummy time, rolling, crawling, or walking {plus everything else in between?!} Check out all my free resources + masterclasses to support the journey!